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Classroom Information and Policies


We are looking forward to a wonderful year in first grade!

Take Home Folders

Please review papers in your child's Take Home Folder daily.  Students may have classwork that can stay home or homework to be returned.  Notes for classroom teachers or for our school office can also be sent in this folder.

Reading Calendars

Monthly reading calendars can be found in the virtual backpack, but feel free to use any format. Daily reading calendars are expected to be filled and turned in on the last day of each month. The goal is for each child to read an average of 20 minutes every day. You may read to your child for these minutes, or your child can read to you. Please sign their calendar.


Birthdays are such a fun celebration! If your child would like to celebrate his/her birthday with the class, please feel free to send in a treat from the Approved Snack List. Please check with your child's teacher to find out how many students are in their class. We would appreciate having napkins sent with the treats if appropriate. For those children with summer birthdays, we would love to celebrate on their half birthday.

Breakfast, Snack, and Water Bottles
Breakfast snack time is between 8:20am- 8:30am. First graders eat lunch at 11:00am each day, so we will have a morning snack during intervention block. Mrs. Zivin's class will have snack time at 8:30 am. Mrs. Angel and Ms. Heuer class will have snack time at 9:00 a.m. a mid-morning snack. Children that bring breakfast or snack from home must come off the Approved Snack List. For breakfast only students have the option of purchasing one from our cafeteria first thing in the morning. 
You may send a water bottle with your child each day. The water bottle will be kept in his/her cubbie, and they will have access to it when needed.
Approved Snack List
Star of the Week

Each student will have a chance to be ‘Star of the Week’ for their classroom. We will send a reminder note and poster home the Friday before your child’s week. Star of the week is a great opportunity to learn about one another. We will have fun hearing about the many interests that make your child the unique star that they are!

Library Books

Your child will be able to checkout two books from our school library each week. In order to check out new books they will need to return all previously checked out books.

After School Plans
A daily written note will continue to be required when changes occur.
Emails or phone calls to office staff and teachers are not allowed because we cannot guarantee the messages will be read prior to dismissal.
​  We sincerely appreciate your support in keeping our students safe and accounted for by picking up children at school that have play dates together.

*You can find more information in the Parent/Student Handbook.*

9.4 Permission for Students to Ride Other Buses
Changes to the typical/assigned routine must be communicated in a daily written note; no email will be accepted. Due to capacity restrictions, the request will be considered by the building principal (at the middle-school level, by the Assistant Principal), who will determine whether there is adequate seating on the bus to accommodate additional riders. Emergency changes to the typical routine must be communicated by phone call to the school. Riding an unassigned bus for birthday parties, scouts, carpools/play dates, etc., is not considered appropriate use of transportation resources. Permission for such reasons is reserved for emergencies only or at the discretion of the principal.  A student attending Willow Grove School is not allowed to ride a bus other than the one to which he or she is assigned, or to get off a bus at a stop other than his or her assigned bus stop under any circumstances.
9.4-a. Removal of a Child from the Bus. Parents may not remove their child from the bus if the bus is at a location other than at the child's assigned bus stop. In the event of a delay or malfunction, bus drivers are not authorized to release students to parents. Only the building administrator may allow students to be released from a bus route, and then only to the child's parent or guardian.  The bus company will send another bus to continue the route.
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